
Customer Testimonials

“I started bringing my husband to this facility for daycare only.  I called them upset early one morning cause I knew it was time for my baby to be in assisted living permanently.  The staff went above and beyond to help me with the transition and reassurance that he was well taken care of.  I visit my husband every day for hours at a time and I cannot tell you how pleased I am with the management and staff of this facility.  I would recommend this facility to everyone.”     

– Georgette Bilbrey, wife of William Bilbrey​

“My husband needed something in his life besides “TV” and sleeping during the day.  Angel gardens has done wonders for him and it has given me time for “me”.  Everyone needs something or someone else in their life besides their spouse.  Bob comes three days a week and has a lot of fun.  Angel Gardens is his home away from home.  I could not be happier.”  

– Pat Slaga, wife of Bob Slaga (Day Program Participant)

“…the kindness and familiarity at this adult day care means so much to him and even more to me.”  

– Marlene Dickson, wife of Bob Dickson